2023年小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作(大全10篇)

时间:2023-05-31 作者:储xy


小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇一





一, 每天早上跟磁带读单词,读到会读为止;

二, 每天早上听写十个单词,写到会写为止;

三, 熟记课文意思,记会为止。

小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇二

our teacher promised us to open a new years day party on friday afternoon.

finally arrived on friday, i came to school early in the afternoon. xxxkeepsxxx, zero rang in class, the first lesson is art, the young teacher came in, serious, he put down the book and shouted: xxxstand xxxwowxxx the students stood up, : xxxthe teacher is xxxthe students he looked at us and said: xxxthe second class open party! what do you do now, put the table?xxx some students whisper xxxclass is placed too the teacher said, pointing to xu xin: xxxsee you squeeze a seat so many people!xxx said and frowned. xu xin pointed to the empty seat next to me:

xxxteacher, what so many empty seats sit down, they dont have to come here and sit down!xxx the teacher didnt ignore them.

wearing a duvet young teachers are more fat than usual, plus he is very tall, so like a mountains of xxxwildxxx monkey.

xxxthe classmates put the book to foreign construction to appreciate the lesson, today lets roles in greece afraid le xxxsaid the gushing speak up. after about 15 minutes, the teacher put the book and, down on the podium: xxxthe students reading and play by yourself!xxx then the cheers of the students, young teacher left the classroom. very noisy in the classroom: a most classmates chat again; sitting opposite me xu xin what they listen to the song in the classroom. and i? see wang jie head filled with hairpin. to test my level, i asked classmates beside, they are satisfied with the nodded and said xxxwell, i am very proud of. this hair style is my noon is specially designed for wang jie. because wang sing is peasant women play, just this kind of hair is peasant women commonly used hair, so i used this hair style. my craft, it seems, is pretty good!

i have fun, while thinking of the next class would be like. we wait and see!

小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇三

hello, every one. i am a boy in class 4 grade 6. i like reading very much.

a good book is a good friend. i often play with this good friend.

every day, after finishing my homework, i will share my spare time with my book happily. usually my book will tell me some funny stories.

sometimes it shares some thought with me. i can learn a lot from the book. it makes me happy. it makes me sad. it makes me brave.

it makes me independent. i love my friend so much.

do you love your friend? do you love your books?

小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇四

an invigorating autumn climate, cool breeze. the autumn girl came with gentle steps!

autumn girl laugh yingying stroll in the field, she readily picked a wild chrysanthemum from the edge of the field, placed on the nose edge, immediately, aroma assail the nostrils, autumn girl showed a sweet smile.

autumn girl walking in the orchard, she brought a cup of nectar spilled in the orchard, apple, pear baby baby, sweeter, more beautiful when farmers face was delighted, and autumn girl also exposed a happy smile.

when the girl was walking in the woods, the leaves changed into gold, and they floated down like a golden butterfly in the air. beautiful! the autumn girl was happy to see all this and played happily in the woods!

can also fall girl crying, when she saw the branches bare, when the yellow grass, she will cry, but the drizzle is her drip pitying tears!

autumn is golden! autumn is beautiful! autumn is my favorite season!

小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇五


今天,miss李给我们上第九模块第一单元:《letter from aboad》,课文中涉及到:一般过去式、现在进行时和一般将来时等三个时态。我喜欢这篇课文,因为,这是一封信,信在我们学过的课文里“罕见”。





六年级(二)班 赵崇博

小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇六

there are four seasons in a is the first season in a is warm and windy.

we can see many beautiful flowers and is hot,so we can autumn comes,the weather turn cool,some leaves start to seasons are all beautiful.

but i like winter is very can make a snowman and play s must put on warmclothes,wearhats,gloves, flakes fall down slowly.

they fall in the trees,on the roofs,on the the whole earth becomes s the most beautiful time in winter,so i think winter is more beautiful than other seasons.

winter,i love you!






小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇七

look forward, look forward to, the may day holiday has come at last, ah, we are looking forward to the long xxxmay dayxxx holiday finally coming, although i am the first day, now is the important moment of learning, my mood is still so relaxed, so happy!

may day is also known as xxxmay dayxxx in may 1st each year. it is a common holiday of the worlds production teams and working people. this festival originated from workers strike in chicago, the united states. in may 1, 1886, more than 26, 000 workers in chicago held a great strike for the eight hour work system. after a hard bloody struggle, they won the victory. in commemoration of this great worker movement, in july 1889, second international announced that it will be designated as international labor day may 1st.

in the may day, my mother took me out for a day, took me from my mothers house and took a shower first, then let me play with my sister, play chess, and then eat dinner at the mothers house. after dinner, my mother let me play computer for two hours. at more than nine, i washed and slept.

my return to home is undoubtedly a review of my lessons, even when the mid-term exam is finished, but this does not mean that the road to our first life is over, because the final exam is the end of the first day. so i cant just finish writing homework done by my teacher, and review all subjects.

as a matter of fact, it should be my loneliest time, quietly listening to the noise from the outside world, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet and quiet. although may day has become three days, it has not dispelled the enthusiasm of people to play. it has disappointed me. people, people and people are everywhere. i have to stay at home all the time, boring.

in may, the earth is blooming in spring, and it is full of the atmosphere of the festival. a bunch of flowers are fluttering and colorful. a wisp of willows flutters and vibrant. everyone is dressed in a festival and celebrates the holiday of the working people.

小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇八

the expectant labor day arrived at finally,e famous because of small merchandise, i approve very much now, however the night that i like it. i live the neighborhood in hills, air is very good, but there is a lot of insectual. the sunlight is very strong there sevral days, usually in the daytime of time, i sleeping in house, the nightfall go to play. very quick a week passde by.

the holidays be over, i felt not how happy, but i hope that i can to breathe the air on the hills again. expect the labor day of the next year.





小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇九

my home is very big. there is a study, a living room, a balcony, a kitchen, a dining room, two bathrooms and two bedrooms.

i have a bedroom. it is big and bright. it’s clean too. i can read and sleep in my bedroom. i can play in my bedroom too.

i love my study very much because i can learn in it. when my friend wants to live in my home, she can sleep in the study. there’s a bed in the study.

my mother loves the balcony. because she can plant some plants in the balcony. my mother loves the kitchen too. because she can cook in it. she likes cooking and she can cook yummy food. i like to eat them.

our dining room is big. we can have meals in it. we have two bathrooms. we can take a bath or a shower.

i love my home very much.

小学生英语作文 小学生英语写作篇十

laba is celebrated on the eighth day of the last lunar month,

referring to the traditional start of celebrations for the chinese new year. la in chinese means the 12th lunar month and ba means eight. legends about the origin of this festivity abound. one holds that over 3,000 years ago sacrificial rites called la were held in the twelfth lunar month when people offered their preys to the gods of heaven and earth. the chinese characters for prey and the twelfth month were interchangeable then,

and ever since la has been used to refer to both.

since the festival was held on the eighth day of the last month,

people later appended the number eight (ba in chinese),

giving us the current laba . the majority han chinese have long followed the tradition of eating laba rice porridge on the laba festival. the date usually falls in mid-janua.














    2023年我家的巴西龟作文字 我家的巴西龟作文字(三篇)


    2023年我家的巴西龟作文字 我家的巴西龟作文字通用(三篇)




