
时间:2023-05-21 作者:储xy



etiology: during the long vacation, friends and relatives seldom get together. so, poker night, drinking, singing, watching tv has become most peoples main activities, such as while make people relaxed mood, increase feelings, but between intangible disturb his form for a long time clock, cause dont come up in the morning, go to sleep at night.

prescription: get to bed early and get up early, get enough sleep, get up early in the morning, take some physical activity outdoors, eat a rich breakfast, and adjust your mindset. go for a walk, jog, or listen to some upbeat, joyful music.

this not only activates the brain, but also stimulates the activity of the bodys cells. besides, you can take a warm bath or soak your feet with warm water before you go to bed, which can effectively promote blood circulation and eliminate the exhaustion of the day.

causes: family reunion, friends visiting, school reunion, a succession of big fish meat, let many people listen to the "rice" color change after the festival, no appetite for any food. during the festival, overeating, eating disorders and consuming too many high-calorie, high-fat foods.

in particular, the excessive amount of alcohol and alcohol causes the gastrointestinal tract overload, causing many people to suffer from acute gastrointestinal diseases.

prescription: after the holiday, try to reduce the greasy food, eat more vegetables and fruits, and control tobacco and alcohol. watch your diet and avoid spicy food and spicy food. after eating after the meal half an hour should undertake some simple movement, promote the movement of various organs of the body, thereby have the effect that adjusts gastric bowel peristalsis.


"oh," finally, i can leave the school, and i must take advantage of this holiday to play! i slung my bag, and i dont forget to say "oh! goodbye!"

the door of the school, a wisp of breeze brushed my hair, and all the troubles pushed a clean. the usual heavy bag also became easy. there seemed to be an inexhaustible strength, jumping up and down all the way.

in the evening, the elder sister a work to discuss how to spend this holiday. laughter continued to fly from the hut to the boundless sky. i slept very late this night but slept very well.

on the first day of the holiday, my sister and i woke up from a sweet dream. open your loose eyes and suck the morning sweet with a wet air and a lot of energy. long ago and dad agreed to go to chenxi, but i saw that he was still preparing. its not easy to be ready, and were finally on our way to chenxi. the road was lined with trees, and it was a bit of a return to nature. my sister and i could not help murmuring and clapping. the road was good and happy. i am even more excited when i arrive at chenxi, where we three are looking, looking at everything and being curious about everything. things naturally carrying bags, money also natural also generally spend like water flowing out, although very distressed, but under or suppress the heart, is determined to have a good national day, for four hours later, we finally returned home in triumph.

however, everything changed in the days after the holiday, and my sister and i felt that the pain was so good and that we were more bored. the lightheartedness of the first days of the holidays had vanished without trace, and seemed to be no longer enjoying the carefree life. seems to become missing school, miss that heavy study life, miss the teachers stern, miss friends and classmates to play together, is really studying to want to have a holiday, when the holiday wants to go to school. is this the so-called "holiday syndrome"?

in the national day holiday, my heart is untroubled, but let me more cherish the time of study.


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