
时间:2023-05-19 作者:储xy










leaders and colleagues:

the festive atmosphere of the spring festival was diluted by an epidemic. i am very excited to represent the members of the medical team of aiding hubei to celebrate the new year and wish you good health and the year of the rat.

this year is a special spring festival. in the face of the dangerous epidemic, what wuhan, hubei province needs most is the support of the whole nation, especially the medical force and materials. at this juncture, as medical workers, we have the responsibility to stand together with the people of wuhan to overcome the difficulties.

the provincial party commi* and the provincial government fully implemented the decision making plan of the central commi* of the cpc central commi* with comrade xi jinping as the core. after organizing the dispatch of medical backbone to form a medical team to rush to hubei, the majority of medical workers in the whole province responded positively to the call and actively applied for registration, which fully reflected the highly conscious overall situation and the spirit of dedication without complaining. its a great honor to be a member of the medical team. here, on behalf of all members of the medical team, i would like to make the following statement: first, resolutely complete the mission. at present, what the people of hubei need most is medical strength and medical supplies. as medical workers, we firmly support hubeis fight against the epidemic as a major political responsibility and special mission. we should conscientiously integrate our thoughts and actions into the important speech of general secretary xi jinping at the standing commi* meeting of the political bureau of the cpc central commi* and the decision and deployment of the party central commi* and the provincial party commi*. we will spare no effort to fight against the epidemic and treat the patients, give full play to my professional knowledge, and use our heart and energy to successfully complete the task of epidemic prevention and control.

second, we must resolutely safeguard our own security. while putting peoples life safety and physical health first, we will do a good job in self-protection, prevent cross infection, and ensure that all members of our medical team go back with responsibility and safety.

third, i sincerely thank my family for their support. here, i would like to thank my family for their support. when i told my family to sign up for the medical team, my wife and parents were worried about it, but they also unconditionally supported my decision, reassured me that they would take good care of their children. the family members of our medical team are all like this and support our work unconditionally. i think the support of family members is our dependence. we are very grateful for the support of our family. here, please rest assured that we will take good care of ourselves and wait for our triumphant return.

抗击疫情英文演讲稿 (菁选3篇)扩展阅读

抗击疫情英文演讲稿 (菁选3篇)(扩展1)

——最新抗击疫情演讲稿 (菁选3篇)
































hello everyone:

over the past few days, the people of the country with wuhan as the focus have been undergoing another severe test. novel coronavirus infection pneumonia is ruthlessly wreaking havoc on peoples health and even life. the party central committee calls on party organizations and cadres at all levels to bear in mind that the interests of the people are above all else, not to forget their original minds and missions, and to hold high the banner in the fight against the epidemic. yes, it is hard-working medical workers and our party cadres who are at the forefront of epidemic prevention and control. on the bright red party flag flying on the battlefield of epidemic prevention and control, the hammer and sickle glittered with golden light. “building a strong banner to lead the way” and “setting an example by highlighting ones identity”. these party members and cadres, medical workers and the people in the front line of the battle compose a moving ode together.

in the face of the epidemic that continues to spread, these “loveliest people” of the new era, no matter how hard the conditions are, no matter how difficult and dangerous they are, always stick to their positions and never turn back until the epidemic is under control. it is recalled that lin zexu once made a sonorous vow that “opium will not be cut off in a day, and our minister will not return in a day”. todays party members and cadres should unite and lead the broad masses of the people to resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the party central committee, and set down the heroic determination that “epidemic situation will not retreat, we will not withdraw”. yes, the most important thing is to see the truth in the crisis. at this time when all people are united and fighting together, with the strong leadership of the party central committee, as long as we rely on the masses closely, we can gather great strength and win the battle of prevention and control of the epidemic.

“if there is any difficulty in the motherland, you should be the vanguard”. before the epidemic, prevention and control should take the lead. where the battlefield is, the party flag will fly. the prevention and control of the epidemic is urgent. party members and cadres, all medical workers and volunteers, with wisdom, courage and hands, leverage the “lever” of prevention and control of the epidemic and hold up the hope of the people. we will resolutely implement the decision-making and deployment of the party central committee, strengthen confidence, work together in the same boat, make scientific prevention and control, and implement precise policies, so that the bright red party flag will fly in the wind on the front-line positions; the dancing hammer and sickle are shining with golden light, and welcome a new round of warm spring!







happy new year, mobile phone, tv or novel coronavirus, the most important thing i heard this spring festival is not ”happy new year, but i am glad to be rich“. instead, i am ”washing hands frequently, ventilation and going out, and i must wear masks“. this phenomenon is the new type of coronavirus, which is the main character diffused from wuhan.


this kind of pneumonia is very terrible. if a person is ill, it will spread quickly and even threaten his life. it is said that the source of this incident is that some ignorant people eat wild animals and national protected animals to satisfy their appetite, and a large number of unknown or known viruses carried by animals lead to the tragedy.


animals are good friends of human beings and a key link in the ecological chain. i have seen a movie ”pet“, which tells an interesting and touching story between people and animals. how can you bear to kill a small, weak and evil black hearted human?


at present, under the leadership of the party central committee, the whole nation is working together to fight the epidemic. we are always together! in order to fight against the virus, many angels in white are retrograde. in order to save protective equipment, they dont drink water, go to the bathroom, wear heavy protective clothing, and many young ladies wear masks for a long time, their faces are worn, showing red blood, even some medical staff are infected with virus because of the day and night treatment work. they are the most respectable and worthy of our study!


at present, the whole country has money to pay and make great efforts. overseas chinese also buy masks and other protective articles and mail them to china to support the country. i also entrusted my father to donate this years new years money to wuhan. at present, everyone is responsible for the epidemic!


i believe that with the joint efforts of all of you, we will defeat the epidemic soon!


come on, china! come on, wuhan!



the spring festival is a festival that everyone loves. the whole country is very busy. every family is busy, buying new years products, making dumplings, pasting couplets, etc. and in the happy atmosphere of this family, the virus takes advantage of the situation.


the novel coronavirus was the most serious virus found at the end of 2019. but its arrival, let us greatly disappointed, the bustling new year did not have the past bustling, should have reunited the family member to be broken by it.


now, the new virus is in a high incidence period, mainly in wuhan. and related to the surrounding provinces and cities, there are tens of thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths. the new virus exists not only in china, but also in 23 other countries.


the novel coronavirus 2019-ncov is the name of the virus. the virus can spread through respiratory droplets. the infection of the elderly will be more serious. according to experts, the main source of infection is a contact with a wild animal, the chinese chrysanthemum bat. the virus has a latent period of about 14 days, and there is still contagion in the incubation period.


human viruses are infectious diseases caused by viruses that can parasitize and reproduce in human body and cause disease. in order to prevent us from being infected by the virus, we should pay attention to the following items: 1. open doors and windows regularly for ventilation. 2. vaccination. 3. develop good hygiene habits. 4. exercise more. 5. life should be regular. 6. pay attention to the details of clothes and food. 7. dont shy away from medical treatment. 8. dont go out. wear a mask.


novel coronavirus strain was successfully isolated from the key laboratory of the national key laboratory of the national health and health committee of china, li lanjuan, member of the chinese academy of engineering and national health protection committee of the high level expert group in january 28th.


so, we should stay away from the virus now. i dont know that our delicate action will make the staff on the front line fall short. but in recent days, i found that there are many more cases in china, which makes me very upset. im afraid the staff on the front line cant tell.


fight against the virus, from me. the fight against the virus is not about one person, or two people, but about all of us. on the contrary, we should be more like ourselves and let everyone look like me.


i believe that we will win the victory of the base station of the virus. come on!














_no matter you or i have known each other, no matter in front of you, i sincerely wish you happiness and peace..._ use this song to pray for the people of wuhan.

wuhan, the city that people all over the world pay attention to, the city that makes me cry, moved and proud. wuhan, you are not alone, we are here! the virus is merciless, there is love in the world. all over the country, there are doctors and nurses like angels, soldiers who protect the country and public security soldiers who protect the safety of one side. they go in the opposite direction, admirable and admirable.

since the outbreak, support materials from all parties have been pouring into wuhan.

_mountains and rivers are different, wind and moon are the same day_ is the eight words written on japanese aid materials to china. friendly countries all over the world are supporting each other, either financially or physically. this is to make the world full of love, which is called boundless love.

_child, can you recover the scar on your face?_ _mom, dont worry, i will give you an angel like daughter._ this is a dialogue between a woman doctor and her mother. the lovely woman doctor is liu li. _wang yuehua, i love you, i love you!_ this is a husbands cry from the heart. he just finished his years work in the _ room, and his wife wang yuehua signed up for wuhan without telling her family; another respectable husband, hiding from his wife, signed his name on the letter of request for assistance to hubei province! when his son was born, he had gone to wuhan and met his son for the first time, but he was connected by mobile phone; at huoshenshan hospital, a group of medical staff stopped a truck that was about to leave to deliver materials. it turned out that the driver refused. the freight. he said, _this is what i can do as an ordinary person._ zhong nanshan, academician of the academy of engineering.

as of february 5, donations from all over the country have reached billion yuan. love flows to wuhan continuously. the chinese people are confident and able to work together with the people of wuhan to overcome difficulties and overcome the epidemic.

come on, wuhan, china!

we sincerely pray: god bless wuhan, god bless china.




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