
时间:2024-09-25 作者:储xy



mage temple was called niangma temple, tianfei temple or haijue temple inthe early period; later it was named "mazu temple", which is commonly known as"mage temple" in chinese. mazu means "mother" in fujian dialect. the temple isbuilt along the cliff with a back mountain and a sea. it is surrounded bytowering ancient trees. there is a pair of stone lions at the entrance of thetemple. it is said that they are masterpieces of the qing dynasty 300 years temple is composed of four buildings: the main hall, the stone hall, thehongren hall and the guanyin pavilion.

the best time to visit mage temple is during the spring festival, becausethis time is the most popular, and many traditional activities will be faithful men and women come to pray for the gods. a large bamboo shed willbe built in front of the temple as a temporary stage for performing miraculousarts.

mage temple is composed of "the first temple in shenshan mountain", hongrentemple, zhengjue buddhist temple, guanyin pavilion and other parts. although thescale of each building is small and crude, it can fully integrate nature and thelayout is well arranged.

entrance gate

you can see the granite building at the entrance gate. it is 4.5 meterswide and has only one door opening. the lintel has the word "mazu pavilion" andcouplets on both sides. the three parts are decorated with glazed tile roof. thetop of the lintel has a cornice shaped ridge with porcelain beads and fish onit.

memorial gateway

immediately behind the gate of mage temple is a three room four columnarch, also made of granite, with four stone lions on the capitals.

hongren hall

you have now come to the smallest hongren hall, which is only about 3square meters.

buddism godness guanyin temple

guanyin hall, located at the highest place, is mainly made of brick andstone. its architecture is simple and hard mountain style.

zhengjue buddhist temple

you are now in the zhengjue buddhist temple. this buddhist temple pays moreattention to both the scale and the architectural form. the building is composedof a temple dedicated to the queen of heaven and a retreat area. the building inthe repair area is a common folk house with a hard hill brick structure, whilethe temple is a four frame beam structure. there is an inner courtyard in frontof the main hall. the side porches on both sides are shed roofs. the main hallarea is divided into three bays by two rows of three columns. the roof is glazedtile slope top, and the top of the side walls on both sides is a gold shaped"wok ear" gable, which has the meaning of fire prevention and strong southernfujian characteristics. it is located in the front of the inner courtyard, fromleft to right, it can be divided into five parts. the middle part is the highestand the two sides are gradually lower. the wall is decorated with claysculpture. the top of the wall is decorated with glazed tiles. under the eavesof the glazed tiles, there are three layers of flowers symbolizing the bucketarch. in addition, there is a circular window opening with a radius of 1.1meters in the middle part. the eaves and porcelain beads on the top of theglazed tiles also show the importance of this hall.

mazu pavilion is always full of incense. every year, on the new year's eveof the lunar calendar, the birthday of mazu on march 23, and the double ninthfestival on september 9, it is full of people.

witness the flame

on the afternoon of may 3, 20__, the beijing olympic flame passes throughmacao's mage temple. the olympic flame from olympia will meet the incense frommage temple, and macao will show the characteristics of chinese and westerncultures in the most representative way of welcoming the olympic flame.

well, that's the end of today's tour. i hope this interpretation has left adeep impression on you. please pay more attention to more macao scenic e.


every day, countless people rush into this fast spinning city, with theirgrand blueprint or soap bubble like daydream; every day, countless people leavethis stiff and indifferent city, leaving their tears or endless regrets.

out of curiosity and desire for the unknown, with a trace of expectation, atrace of tension and a trace of loss, i came to this city called "shanghai".

it was early in the morning when i first arrived in shanghai. don't forget,shanghai is also called "never night city". although the sky is gray, but thecolorful lights on the street are flashing my eyes. walking on the bund, you cansee all kinds of european buildings and groups of foreigners coming and h the glass, you can see the bright lights and the twisting posture in theluxurious dress. this is probably the nightclub in shanghai. how many rich butlonely people are living a life of intoxication here? they just want to seek atrace of warmth in this cold city.

the night of the huangpu river fascinated me, standing on the breeze gently blowing my hair. the lujiazui portrait centered on theoriental pearl was displayed in front of my eyes. beautiful, very beautiful,very beautiful, so suffocating, so beautiful that people feel unreal, sobeautiful that people can't help but sigh "can only be seen from a distance, butcan't play.".

in the early morning, people can see shanghai clearly and g on nanjing road and shuttling through the people's square, i see antiquebuildings and groups of people in a hurry. as if, in this fast-paced city, notto rush will be eliminated, abandoned, forgotten.

coming to the new world is full of the republic of china. on this famous"republic street". i seem to have seen zhang ailing, who is "merciful becauseshe knows", lin huiyin, who is "love, warmth, april day in the world", and xiaohong, who is "too late to do anything, just sit and watch the red sky" and so onlittle by little of the republic of china appeared in front of my eyes. i don'tknow why, when i saw these traces of history, i was moved to tears.

in my opinion, shanghai, known as "oriental paris", is a proper and goodcity integrating modern and traditional. whether the bright lujiazui, themagnificent people's square or the red wall green tile town god's temple, knownto the world, all the shanghai road has added a touch of vitality, a touch ofbeauty and a touch of moving.

when i say goodbye to shanghai, i look at the endless stream of people andthe magnificent high-rise buildings. i can't help but sigh that zhuzhou is soordinary! but i think i still love that ordinary zhuzhou more than theglittering of shanghai. there is no bright light shining, no dense trafficshuttle, but there is warmth, and the person who has always accompanied me.


dear guests

welcome to nanyue.

hengshan mountain is one of the five famous mountains in china. zhurongpeak is located in nanyue district, hengyang city, hunan province. there are 72peaks and many peaks. it is famous for its unique five mountains, sacrificialspirit mountain, religious holy land, longevity mountain of china and civilizedolympic area. now it is one of the first batch of national key scenic spots, thefirst batch of national aaaaa scenic spots, national nature reserves, nationalcivilized scenic spots and world cultural and natural heritage sites.

the word "nanyue" began in the spring and autumn period and the warringstates period. "zhouli · yushu" says: "in may (shun), he went to the south forhunting, but as for nanyue." hengshan was first named by nanyue in erya in theearly han dynasty. there is a saying of "jiangnan heng" in shishan, which meanshengshan in the south of the yangtze river. however, according to theintroduction of zhouli, zhifangshi, chunqiu and xingjing, there is anotherexplanation for the origin of hengshan. it is divided according to the stars. itis said that this place bears yuheng star, so it is called hengshan. hengshan islocated in the southernmost part of the five mountains, so it is called 1984, nanyue district was established in hengyang city, with a totalpopulation of 59600 and a total area of 181.5 square kilometers, including 100.7square kilometers of central scenic spots. hengshan mountain, nanyue, hasbeautiful natural scenery, with different scenery in the four seasons. you canenjoy the wonderful flowers in spring, the sea of clouds in summer, the sunrisein autumn and the snow in winter.

the height of zhurong peak, the beauty of sutra collection hall, the depthof fangguang temple and the wonder of shuilian cave have been praised as the"four wonders" of nanyue since ancient times. there are no mountains, no trees,no places, no green in hengshan mountain. the forest coverage rate of the corescenic spot is as high as 91.58%. there are more than 600 families and more than1700 kinds of trees in the territory, including more than 90 kinds ofstate-level protected plants, such as ginkgo biloba and metasequoiaglyptostroboides, which are known as living fossils; gleditsia villosa, which isendangered, rare in the world and unique to hengshan; money tree, homostematicand lianli branch, etc. the average concentration of negative oxygen ions is ashigh as 26000 cubic centimeters, which is a rare "natural oxygen bar".accompanied by rare wild animals such as tragopan, caragana, big headed turtleand pangolin, it can be called a natural treasure house!

hengshan has a long history. since ancient times, the five mountains havebeen the symbol of the country. emperor yan and zhu rong once lived here. yao,shun and yu all came to worship. emperors of all dynasties either sent envoys orpersonally visited to worship. since yao and shun, hengshan mountain, as one ofthe five mountains, has a history of more than 4000 years. emperor huang andemperor shun had been hunting and offering sacrifices in hengshan mountain. inorder to control the water, dayu came to nanyue to kill the white horse and tellthe world. he won the "golden slips and jade books" and set up a "monument tocontrol the water". emperor huizong and emperor kangxi of song dynasty wrotepoems for nanyue. it is said that the yellow emperor appointed zhu rong to be incharge of southern affairs and appointed him as the fire official, namely thegod of fire; zhu rong taught the people to cook food with fire, live in thecold, raise fire to drive away animals; he made music and songs to harmonize thegods and the voices of people. in order to commemorate the fire official who hadmade great contributions to the management of fire, people named the highestpeak of hengshan mountain after zhu rong, and built an ancestral temple on thepeak for long-term sacrifice.

nanyue is the only ancient sacrificial mountain in south china. fromemperor shun's southern tour to the sui, tang and qing dynasties, there were 120times of royal envoys to sacrifice nanyue, and countless folk ing to the book of stars, hengshan mountain is named "shouyue" because itcorresponds to fuxing, the star of twenty-eight constellations, which is incharge of the life span of human beings. emperor xuanzong of the tang dynastythrew a dragon into zhuling cave (shuilian cave) to pray for longevity. emperorhuizong of song dynasty inscribed "shouyue" huge stone carving in jinjianfeng ofnanyue. hengyue was designated as the "lord's life" of hundreds of millions ofsubjects in the inscription of rebuilding nanyue temple written by emperorkangxi himself

"the mountain of love". the "nanshan" in the chinese eulogy "happiness islike the east china sea, longevity is like nanshan" is nanyue ing to ci yuan, "shouyue" is nanyue hengshan, which is known as "shouyueof china". hengshan mountain is not only a famous scenic mountain, but also asacred religious mountain. here, taoism and buddhism coexist, show each other,respect each other and prosper together. there are nanyue temple where buddhism,taoism and confucianism coexist and prosper together, and fuyan temple, which isregarded as "the ancient temple of six dynasties and the taoist center of sevenancestors" by zen buddhism. nantai temple, which is regarded as "the source ofthe world's law" and "the ancestral court of cao dong", also has huangtingtemple, which is established by taoists as the birthplace of huangting the taoist "thirty-six caves and seventy-two blessed places", nanyuedominates all over the world.


my dear friends,

welcome to qufu, the hometown of confucius.

confucius had a famous remark: “what a delight to have friends from afar.”today i am very glad to have an opportunity of making new friends and to be yourtour guide. i wish to thank you for your cooperation and also ready to take yoursuggestions and advice regarding my service.

what we are going to visit now is the confucius temple. this temple iswhere sacrifices are offered to confucius. work on these structures began duringthe second year after confucius’s death. the confucius temple imitates theimperial palace’s construction. the layout is as follows: there are 5 halls, 1pavilion, 1 altar, and 3 ancestral temples. it is divided into 9 ther there are 466 rooms, 54 gateways and over 1000 stone tablets andsteles. it covers an area of 21.8 hectares (equals to 327.5 mu) and is over 1kilometers long from north to south. it is magnificent and resplendent andirrespective of the angle from which you enjoy viewing the temple. it iscommensurate with influence and fame of confucius. as such, it is very rareworld historical treasure.

the confucius temple’s first gateway is called golden sound and jadevibration gateway (金声玉振门), “golden sound ” and “jade vibration” symbolize thewhole process of playing music in

ancient time. the music starts with the beating of a drum and ends with thestriking of an inverted bell (磬). this means that confucius’s thoughts are acomprehensiveexpressionssaints’ ideas.

now we come to the ling star gate. this gate was erected in ming dynastyand was rebuilt in 1754. the three characters were written by emperor legend has it that there are 28 constellations in the galaxy. the star incharge of culture is called“ling star” or “wenqu star”. people believe confuciusis the ling star. so they show respect to confucius is as important as to showrespect to heaven.

look at this stone stele on the temple gate’s eastern wall. it is writtenon the stele that “officials should dismount here.” in the past, the civil andmilitary officials and people in the street were required to get off from theirhorses or sedan chairs and walk on foot when they passed by the temple to showtheir reverence for confucius and his temple.

we are now entering the dacheng gate (大成门). the temple of confucius isdivided into three layouts from here. the middle gate is the dacheng gate; thetwo beside the dacheng gate are the golden sound gate on the left and jadevibration gate on the right. the one on farther western side is the qisheng gate(启圣门) and the one on

farther eastern side is the chengsheng gate (承圣门).

this is the main hall of the temple of confucius. dacheng hall, togetherwith the forbidden city’s hall of supreme harmony and daimiao temple’s tiankuanghall (天贶殿) in tai’an city (泰安) are called the three greatest halls in china or“the three greatest halls in the east”. this hall is 24.8 meters high, 45.78meters wide and 24.8 meters deep. it is surrounded by 28 dragon columns carvedout of whole blocks of stone. the 10 columns in front are deep relief sculpturesand the others are shallow ones. they are made with exquisite technique and aretreasures of the whole world. carved on each column are two dragons twisting andflying. they are made true to life and are completely different from each birthday of confucius is on september 28th and grand commemorationactivities are held here in which people pay homage to confucius. during thefestival, music and dancing are performed and visitors from home and abroadswarm to qufu. various cultural and tour activities are rich and colorful andyou’re welcome to attend this festival and enjoy yourselves in this world-famousevent.


welcome to meizhou island, known as "mecca in the east, potala palace onthe sea". i'm xiao li, the tour guide. now, please follow me to pay a visit tothe goddess mazu and the ancestral temple.

in order to let you know more about meizhou island during your tour, i'dlike to introduce the general situation of meizhou island by boat: it covers anarea of 14.3 square kilometers. because it's shaped like a human eyebrow andembedded in thousands of blue waves, it's named "meizhou". it's not only theplace where mazu lived since childhood, but also the place where mazu templesare famous at home and abroad. my friends, meizhou island has arrived. pleasetake your luggage and belongings with you and follow me to get off the be careful at your feet and pay attention to safety!

looking ahead, there are groups of pilgrims. they include chinese taiwancompatriots and overseas chinese from across the sea, as well as pilgrims fromthe mainland. have you noticed that there is a statue of mazu in front of theseteams? are your friends very curious? in fact, these statues were sent out fromthe ancestral temple before. now they send her back, also called "mazu back toher mother's home". this phenomenon is often seen here, which proves that thefragrance of meizhou island is very strong.

please look at this magnificent building in front of us. does it look likethe potala palace in tibet? this is mazu temple. now we are at the first gate ofthe ancestral temple, the mountain gate. because mazu is "the virgin of heaven",is the supreme goddess, so its specifications are built according to the royalpalace. in the mountain gate, there are two gods, qianliyan and shunfenger. itis said that qianliyan and shunfenger were sea monsters recovered by mazu.

we walked up the stone steps and saw the second gate of the ancestraltemple, yimen. you see, there is a plaque on the top of this instrument door,which says "imperial edict", so it is also called "imperial edict door". thesquare we see now is the place where large-scale music and dance performancesare performed at every memorial ceremony. on my left and right are the belltower and the drum tower. friends, let's continue to go up. now we come to the"prince hall", which was built by yao qisheng, governor of fujian province. youmay be surprised that this is the mazu temple. how can there be a prince hall?it is said that yao qisheng was sheltered by mazu and successfully completed thetask assigned to him by the emperor. he was granted the title of "princeshaobao" by the emperor. yao qisheng wanted to thank his mother zu built the"prince hall" here. at the beginning of the construction of this hall, it wasintended to become the main hall, but the folk custom is still willing to followthe ancient system. i only think that the building next to me is the mostprimitive main hall. now let's visit the main hall with me.

this is the holy place in the hearts of hundreds of millions of mazubelievers. before we go to visit, let's take a look at the couplet on the gatepost. do you know what the couplet means? in fact, the couplet skillfully usesthe characteristics of ancient chinese interchangeable words, so it should beread like this: "qizhai, qizhai, qizhai, qiqizhaijie; chaochao, chaochao,chaochao, chaochao, chaochao sound "the first couplet introduces the culturallandscape of meizhou, where visitors sincerely worship mazu, while the secondcouplet introduces the natural scenery of meizhou, which mainly highlights thechaoyin of meiyu, one of the 24 scenic spots in putian, meizhou island. afterreading the couplet, please follow me into the hall. there are two halls in thehall, which are connected by a patio in the middle. you can see that there is aplaque hanging on the main beam, which is issued by the emperor himself!friends, have you noticed that this hall is very special. there are two mazuworshipped here, the one in front is called "visiting mazu", and the one behindis called "zhendian mazu" when matsu went on a tour, matsu in the town hall wasworshipped by believers. as you can see, the shrines on both sides are full ofmazu's accompanying gods, known as the 18 shuique immortal class. some of themare sea gods worshipped in other places in ancient times, and some are waterdemons and sea monsters recovered by mazu.

ok, after visiting the main hall of mazu temple, let's take a look at thelegendary place where mazu ascended to heaven - the historic site. here we you are visiting, i will tell you about the legend of mazu's life. it issaid that mazu never cried from birth to the full moon, so her parents named her"lin mo". mo niang was smarter than other children since she was a child. it issaid that she could recite sutras at the age of 8, and was called "filialdaughter" because she saved her relatives at sea. after lin mo's death, it issaid that she emerged and soared in meifeng. it is said that the imperial courtsent an emissary lu yundi to korea, and the ship encountered wind and waves whenit was in the east china sea. in the face of danger, i saw red lights on the topof the ship, and then there was no wind and waves. lu yun was surprised, so heasked his subordinates what kind of deity appeared to rescue him. it happenedthat there was a putian man on board, who said that meizhou goddess rescued , when lu yundi returned to the court, he played the emperor. this is thefirst time that mazu's deeds came from the people to the court.

now that the story is finished, let's go to chaotian pavilion, the highestpoint on the central axis. have you noticed that the mazu worshipped in it isdifferent from other halls? by the way, the mazu worshipped in it is blackfaced. friends who have been to chinese taiwan must find that all mazu worshipped inmazu temple in chinese taiwan are black faced mazu. do you want to know why? it is saidthat during the voyage of fenling mazu in chinese taiwan for several months, believersburned incense day and night to worship, and devout incense blackened mazu'sface, so all mazu worshipped in chinese taiwan are black faced, because chaotianpavilion is the chaotian palace in lukang, chinese taiwan so mazu is black faced. now,let's go to the top of the mountain to see the stone statue of mazu. it takes 99steps to get there, and the axis from the archway of mazu temple at the foot ofthe mountain to the statue of mazu at the top of the mountain is 323 meterslong. 99 is the day of mazu's ascent on the 9th day of september. let's guesswhat 323 meters stands for. by the way, it's mazu's birthday.

well, friends, this is the highest point of mazu mountain. this statue is14.3 meters high and made of 365 chopsticks of granite. it symbolizes that mazublesses the residents of 14.3 square kilometers meizhou island 365 days a year,happy and safe. look, mazu's face is kind, looking at the sea. as like as twopeas, the mazu goddess looks at chinese taiwan, and there is a statue of mazu in chinese are jointly maintaining peace and tranquility on both sides of the are countless believers in mazu all over the world. in fact, they have astrong sense of not forgetting their ancestors. maybe this is the key to thelong-lasting spread of mazu belief.

friends, if you have the chance, i hope you can visit meizhou e to visit this strange woman. at that time, please come to meizhou withyour friends. thank you!




















