
时间:2023-08-02 作者:储xy


写长沙的英语作文字 长沙 英语介绍篇一

my hometown hunan province ,with an area of 211,800 square kilometers ranking it 11th among all the provinces and municipalities in coverage, hunan province, called "xiang" for short, is located in the middle of southern china.

hunan is boasts a long history and is one of the places where chinese agricultural cultivation originated.

according to archeological excavations and written records, there were human beings living here permanently over 8000 years ago, surviving mainly on primitive agriculture and domestic animal-rearing.

hunan is a leading province in education, as described by the favourable saying "hunan people are good learners". good educational resources are available to people of various ages in hunan.

hunan also has lots of famous people,such as mao zedong, also well known as chairman mao, is a great man in human history.

liu shaoqi was a chinese revolutionary, statesman, and theorist..

peng dehuai was a prominent military leader of the communist party of china, and chinas defense minister from 1954 to 1959. yuan longping.

is a chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties. his "hybrid rice" has been grown ever since in dozens of countries in africa,and so on.

my home country is a beauty province and full of harmony,we are happy to weicome all the friends come to here.

写长沙的英语作文字 长沙 英语介绍篇二

a brief introduction to changshas tourist industry changsha

changsha is rich in tourist resources because of its unique geographical the city are the beautiful yuelu mountain,dawei mountain and weishan mountain,and the xiangjiang river and liuyang river flow across juzizhou scenic spot in the city is regarded as one of the eight most charming places in hunan attracting both domestic and overseas visitors.

the rapid social and economic development in changsha has laid the foundation for the local tourism 1998,the city realized billion yuan of gnp,which meant it had reached its strategic goal ahead of schedule and that local residents enjoy a higher standard of is also among the 50 top chinese cities in terms of general economic strength.

being the political,economic,scientific and technological,educational,cultural and transportation center in hunan,changsha is quite a large place occupying land of 11,800 a population of is among the first group of chinese cities which were selected as famous historical and cultural cities in the country and allowed to open-up to the outside has become an important city in central china enjoying the fastest economic growth and immense vitality.

a cradle of the ancient chu and xiang civilizations rooted in central china,changsha was the hometown of many great figures in both ancient and modern history of china,including qu yuan,jia yi,zhu xi,zeng guofan,mao zedong and liu city boasts countless discoveries of historical and cultural example,unearthed here was the world-famous mawangdui tomb of the han dynasty,in which a female mummy and her jewelry,which are 2,000 years old,were bamboo sticks that were used for printing books were found in an an cient tomb in discovery,harking back to the period from 220 to 280,is regarded as one of the most important archaeological discoveries in china so is also famous for being the home of yuelu shuyuan (an academic institution) which was established about 1,000 years ago.

in 1998,changsha received 25 million tourists and realized a turnover of billion yuan this included 194,000 foreign visitors that created profits for the sector totaling $$$$ 100 present,changsha has 44 hotels including three five-star,one four-star and eight three-star city also has 78 travel agencies operating both domestic and foreign has 170 popular scenic spots including five summer resorts.

in 1998,changsha won an award as one of the top tourist cities in china.

tourist consulting offices changsha

the changsha administration of tourism has established tourist consulting offices in various places including the western,eastern and northern long distance bus stations in changsha,as well as the docks where the boats arrive,where tourist information and brochures are city has also a special telephone number (),through which up-to-date tourist information can be obtained.

the signs in public places changsha

according to international practice,the municipal administration of changsha has provided public information signs in all major places including holiday villages,hotels,the airport,the railway station and the these signs are standard,accurate and conspicuous.

foreign language changsha

all the street signs on the main roads and scenic spots are in both chinese and english for the convenience of foreign visitors.

public facilities changsha

thanks to the reform and opening up policy,telecommunications in changsha have developed rapidly,holding the leading place among the the end of march 1999,there were 30,416 public telephones in changsha,including 17,996 ordinary public telephones,2,267 for use with ic cards,421 portable ones and 9,565 installed on campus.

all the travel agencies and hotels in the city provide the service of ticket reservation by telephone.

写长沙的英语作文字 长沙 英语介绍篇三

changsha food

the snacks of changsha are also appealing in terms of its taste, appearance and variety.

some special areas to sample the local snacks: nanmenkou – the famous crayfish of "siaijie" restaurant and bean curd with odor of "wuaijie" restaurant; huogongdian (fire palace) restaurant – snacks of the most complete sorts; xianfengting (pioneer hall) --- the best place for crock soup; yulin rice noodle restaurant opposite the zoo.

bean curd with odor

the best bean curd with odor is at huogongdian restaurant, which has a history of one hundred years. in 1958, chairman mao had bean curd with odor in honggongdian restaurant when he visited changsha city.

bean curd with odor in huogongdian restaurant is made of liuyang fermented soybeans and bittern, which was made of winter bamboo shoot, dried mushroom and koji wine. the fried bean curd of odor is crispy outside and tender inside. it is so delicious to eat with capsicum oil, castor oil and sauce.

changsha maren crispy duck

changsha maren crispy duck is the masterpiece of shi yinxiang, the famous chef in changsha. fry the fat duck and pour oil onto the skin until the color become golden. add some pepper power, sesame oil and cut to pieces. put to the plate and decorate with head, wings, duck webs and caraway.

deyuan steamed bun

deyuan steamed bun has thin skin and big stuffing. the sweet stuffing is made of candy, rose candy or sweet-scented osmanthus candy. the meat stuffing is made of pork, dried mushroom and jelly oil.

deyuan was built during guangxu period of qing dynasty. it got its name from "where there is morality; where there is happiness, there is endurance" from the ancient book "the spring and autumn with commentary". originally, it was a small shop run by a couple. after several times of change of owners, there was no great success.

liu defang tangyuan (dumpling in soup)

liu defang tangyuan is a famous snack of changsha city. it is sold in liu defang tangyuan restaurant only, which was established in daoguang period (1812-1850) of qing dynasty.

liu defang, nicknamed liu san, was born in a poor family and sold tangyuan to make a living. due to the good material and nice taste, his tangyuan was very famous. in 1852, liu defang went to buy flour and found that there was a sycee in the flour. so he went to buy six bags of flours and got another six sycees. with the silver, he bought a restaurant to run tangyuan. for the nice taste of its tangyuan, the restaurant has been very popular.

kouwei shrimp

lobster is kind of big shrimp with crust propagating crazily in the lakes. with pepper, aniseed, fennel, garlic, gingers and other seasonings, stir-fry it with wine and cook it until done. it look red and quite delicious. it is so hot, but one cannot help eating it again and again.

there are some other nice dishes, such as: beef tripe and bamboo shoot slices, mushroom in egg without yolk, spicy little chicken, chicken, dove and sparrow, spicy saizi (deep-fried dough twist), yang yuxing noodle, sisterstuanzi (dumpling).

写长沙的英语作文字 长沙 英语介绍篇四

my hometown is beautiful place it stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. it has many tall buildings and wide streets. there are trees and flowers everywhere.

but it has not always been like that. in the old days, it was a sad dirty little town. landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses.

for the working people there were only dark, unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in narrow muddy streets. nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.

everything has changed since liberation. the people, led by the party, have got rid of the mud and dirt.

they have put up schools, theaters, shops and flats. they have an assembly hall and a hospital. along the river they have built offices, hotels and parks.

a lot of factories have sprung up. on the river, streamers and boats come and go busily, day and night.

they carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.

i love my hometown, and i love its people. they also have changed. healthy and happy, they are going all out to build socialism.

写长沙的英语作文字 长沙 英语介绍篇五

i was born in xiangtan,s a beautiful love it very much.

now please let me tell you something about my hometown--hunan province.

hunan province is in the south of china,which covers an area of 211,800 square population is about 66 million and the capital city is changsha.

there are many places of interest in hunan,such as zhangjiajie and mount a lot of famous persons were born here like mao zedong and zeng guofan.

hunan is rich in natural it has made great achievements in economic development.

i love my welcome to visit it!




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