
时间:2024-09-25 作者:储xy



mount lu is the most beautiful mountain in the world. it lies on theyangtze river in the north and poyang lake in the south. it is about 29kilometers long and 16 kilometers wide. the scenic area is 302 squarekilometers. the highest point is hanyang peak, which is 1474 meters above sealevel. it has entered the national key scenic spot with its majestic, strange,dangerous and beautiful features. in 1996, unesco listed mount lushan as a worldcultural landscape on the world heritage list.

now we come to huajing scenic area. this is a park in the mountains, withthe word "flower path" on the gate. there is huajing pavilion in the garden, inwhich there are stone inscriptions of huajing. it is said that it was written bybai juyi. peach blossom and various famous flowers are planted in the garden. atthat time, bai juyi was appointed as sima of jiangzhou. in april, he invited 17famous monks to lushan. he saw the peach blossom blooming in dalin temple, butthe peach blossom at the foot of the mountain had already withered. in surprise,he wrote this poem "peach blossom of dalin temple": the peach blossom of dalintemple begins to bloom when the world is beautiful in april. i don't know whereto turn from.

finally, please pay attention to the following:

1. as there are many tourists, we must follow the guide closely.

2. the things in lushan are very precious. please don't trample on theflowers and throw things about.

have a good trip!


hello, everyone. welcome to the famous lushan scenic spot. i'm the tourguide serving you today. my name is ma yingyao. you can call me sister pay attention to hygiene! hope to bring you a wonderful day!

you see! this is the world famous lushan mountain! is it beautiful? now letme introduce lushan mountain!

lushan is located in the south of jiujiang city, jiangxi province, thecapital of china, with the yangtze river in the north and poyang lake in theeast. the total area of the mountain is 302 square kilometers. there are 90peaks in the whole mountain. the highest peak is dahanyang mountain, 1473.4meters above sea level. many valleys, caves, waterfalls and streams arescattered among the peaks.

lushan mountain is famous for its marvelous, beautiful, dangerous andmajestic scenery.

lushan mountain is not only known as the national lu qixiu plus the world'sreputation, but also one of china's pearl.

lushan is surrounded by water and air, which makes lushan cool and rainy insummer. in the morning, lushan mountain is covered with thick clouds; fine rainand dew irrigate flowers and plants again and again; gentle breeze calls for allkinds of small life. the pines stand upright in the dense clouds, the fine rainand the gentle breeze. the lush cypress is tough and straight, just like ourpersonality and will. the mountain water is so clear, just like our hearts. thesurrounding flowers weave a simple wreath for the mountain water, and the greentrees are reflected in the water, making the mountain put on a green scarf. it'slike entering a beautiful fairyland.

now that we have come to lushan, do you know that there is a legend aboutthe fairy house in lushan?

it is said that kuang su's story of seeking immortals in lushan mountainwas learned by the imperial court. as a result, the emperor of zhou repeatedlyasked him to come out of the mountain to help, but kuangsu was not found. somepeople say that he has become an immortal. naturally, it is nonsense. later,people called the place where kuangsu sought immortality "the house ofimmortals" and the name of lushan mountain, so lushan mountain appeared likethis. it is also called kuang mountain, or kuang lu, because the person whobecame immortal was surnamed kuang. in the song dynasty, in order to avoid thetaboo of zhao kuangyin, the great ancestor of the song dynasty, he changed hisname to kangshan.

the diffuse clouds add a lot of charming beauty and mysterious color tolushan. this is mount lushan. let's say goodbye to lushan again!


tourists friends, hello! i am your tour guide gao yingli today, you can call me gao. i will accompany you play today's main attraction -- lushan waterfall. hope that we can happily through the day.

lushan waterfall has a long history, past many writers saoke fushi in this inscription, its spectacular tribute to the magnificent, lushan falls to bring a high reputation. nature is one of the most famous tang dynasty poet li bai's "lushan waterfall", song has become eternal.

lushan mountain plains of the middle and lower reaches of yangtze and poyang lake bank, long steep cliffs, waterfalls. yu shao shiyun: "province at the southern bank of the yangtze river lake, lushan scenic yan; pull cliffs cliffs flying waterfall, qifeng show ridge around the clouds", is a marvel of the lushan waterfall.

and one of the most famous waterfall should number 3 fold springs, known as lushan first wonders, old "lushan" before the three fold springs, not say. triassic spring waterfall, water is arrogant on mountain, flows slowly after a while, another five-old-man peak back, through the mountains and rivers stone steps, folding into three fold, so named after triassic springs waterfall.

standing in front of the triassic springs waterfall view stone bench lifted up his eyes, but to see the nearly hundred metres of practice from north white cliff mouth hanging on the big rock, bai lian hang in the air, triassic, as the ancients cloud: "the superior practice, such as floating clouds drag intermediate such as gravel jiggled ice, at a lower level, such as jade dragon pool." and in the water splash, far more than ten meters still wet idea pungent.

now you can go to play, collection postscript to get over the gate. don't litter, cigarette butts in a scenic spot. i wish you all have a good time.








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