
时间:2023-03-24 作者:储xy





whatever the past, but no matter how the future will be, we should have no reason to let oneself become a commonplaces doing nothing. every failure in revealing, we actually not far from success, our dream will not take long to deliver period also, the key is whether we decided to make a people fly higher. every consciousness awakening, in to enrich our spiritual world, we should learn from infinite strength, to break through the traditional set of deeply ashamed to transcend self, to become a strive to rise in the often hurt often war.

may have been disappointed, but you should go to believe that "life is full of hope, a former routing i create".

perhaps once frustrated, but should go to adhere to the "package to shame who shame is a man...... return unknown".

life may have in debt to us, but you should go to stick to "the dreams of the beautiful" of tomorrow.

new era of rapidly changing, don't be in pain cannot extricate oneself, with its self-imposed torture and towards perdition, less strenuous work, actively strive for and pursue their desire for things. at any time, all want to stick to the dream, adhere to the principle, believe yourself, only in this way can let oneself fly higher. "children in sichuan yue: the dead ruth's husband! working round." we will try to spend more time trying to, rather than the destruction of the past, not to mention to lazy to look for any excuse yourself, because "an inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time", what we want to establish yourself to become a man, at the same time establish life ideal.

one thing we need to know, can only be proud winner says, "the sky leave no trace, but i am glad i have had my flight." so, as we failed, or is working but not successful people, we want to achieve your dream, you must know how i should use gesture to fly.


perhaps, long process makes us feel tired, but we should have enough patience, after all we have in society the vat struggled for so long. think about the past, we tried many kinds of excruciating humiliation, encountered many times cheating heart ached and embarrassment of discrimination, to break the how many times an injustice and despair of difficulties and setbacks, how many liters of hot tears shed, spent much of her door to the state of mind, how much tired out body self... some in the past cannot be calculated, but in with wan "fear statutes are the most happy" truth, we pay too much too much, thus forging a strong heart.

"people say heaven is good, the fairy music. behind the success of tears? the fairy people did, uniting the spares no pains. in practise, fruit to fix it was." with the fruits of their labor for, will always be sweet; to fly on his own life, is always bright.

someday, we will find the ideal of life, to find a truly belong to our own sky. but before that, please shout loudly in the big time: i want to fly higher.


everyone has a dream, but not everyone can achieve your dream, that dream and reality are too far apart, seems to dream is out of reach, is the unclear main, in the face of cruel reality and dream will only make our steadfast died. actually hinder our progress is oneself, feel distant dream is their own, think of dream bumpy road is their own, think is hang him yourself, give up the dream is ourselves, we see our circle in a design of the fence, the limitations in the boundaries of their thinking, and then how to also don't break this gap, be your own captive, lost to yourself.

someone says: the heart has how old, stage has how old, no can't do, only unexpected. as long as we think of is said to myself, i can, i'll do. courage to face their own, beyond their own pattern, failures, drain, start again. if you lose, never recovered, then you can't, regret lifelong.

a farmers in liaoning, he likes singing very much, he sang in the fields, on the muddy road singing, singing in dirty chicken yard, a sing for 13 years. but many people said that his voice is not suitable for singing, but he don't want to give up, the support of mom gave him great encouragement, he came to china good voice, just want to ask the teachers, his voice would there, can sing out of their own future? a melodious, haven't loving english songs of the song, the authority of the three teachers will turn around trying to want to know, that strange voice, what is the girl sing it, when they turned the moment seemed to be shocked, it turned out that he is a handsome and clear man. the first evaluation of na ying is singing is too attractive, yu give sound special affirmation, i miss you also said that "the time has come for the shine, if you can come out, that is unique" yes, god gave him a very unique voice, at the same time let him live in the great contrast, isn't it a kind of experience?


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my best friend高中英语作文翻译_高中英语作文

在现实生活或工作学习中,大家都经常看到作文的身影吧,作文是从内部言语向外部言语的过渡,即从经过压缩的简要的、自己能明白的语言,向开展的.、具有规范语法结构的、能为他人所理解的外部语言形式的转化。你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?以下是小编精心整理的my best friend高中英语作文翻译_高中英语作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。

my best friend is mary. she lives in a tall building. she lives on the fifth floor. everyday she takes the lift up and down. she is twelve years old. she is tall and thin. she has short black hair,two big eyes and a small mouth. she is very cute. i like playing with her. we are in the same class. i like to read books but she likes playing games. she likes to eat popcorn and ice creams. i like them,too. her favourite food is fish,so she is clever. she loves her cat. she often plays with her. the cat likes mary,too. they are cute.


do you have a best friend? can you tell me something about your friend?



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one. dawn prelude the sun climbed the sky and rushed away the goddess. the east is painted with a hopes of tomato red lemon yellow. in the initial day, the street has been filled with dense numbers, and the antistaramis is not in the ants of the ant hole. the classroom is still in the past, but there is a special atmosphere today to let me go. a male brow is hits, and it seems to carry out the greatest cause of this century; and the beauty next to him does not lift the hardship words for a few hours. good! sometimes i am really strange in the perseverance of people. but at this time, my scholars should also make me look at it! there are two kinds of people in this student - one is to use students to live (intertwined), a kind of cloud, i am looking for life, i am looking at the same morning, i laugh, i will choose the former . two. in the spring, the spring of the northern, the sun is unfamiliar, and the wind is particularly mad. there is a very restless laugh around. people are always like this, and they will have to know the urgency. in this morning, i seem to be in addition to class, there is no harvest. at this time, my mood is very calm, even numb. for inertia, the mother's answer is simple: you have grown up. i have a inexplicable thing in my heart. after i know, the wind blows in the past, and i have been weak at this time. three. in the afternoon, the low rhyme sun should be shot on the person at this time. at this time, i changed to the most northbound, i also received soaking soaking. due to the martial arts of one morning, a row of flooded flooded into an end. i unexpectedly, i didn't have "everyone sleeps on me." what should i say? still lonely? more than a decade of life experience, i will tell me: when you can't change the environment, you will adapt to it. i quickly fled the classroom and kissed the sun to the corridor. four. the end of the night is always particularly excited at night. this seems to be the common problem of this era - mediocal day, attempt to use the night for more time to make it less than others, but i don't know, everyone is the same. the moon is half hiding in the cloud, let the night pedestrians are worried. at this time, i suddenly suddenly became cheerful. if this is my last day of my life, i will open an outboy, enjoy the last second (today) ... postscript: lonely driving a boring car fei chi, the car is uploaded is my student era. suddenly, wisdom carried the ideal sword, drove away, leaving only boring in the heart. wisdom has rushed to the front of the ideal sword. sustains, with wisdom and desires, sitse climbs up ...


























其次,抓好初高中知识的衔接。新生入校通过学月测试了解每个学生的大致学情,及时给学生查漏补缺,巩固初中的语音,词汇、语法、句型及基础知识。教师可以暂以初中教材为主线,高中教材为辅线,温故而知新,以旧带新。在课堂中形式多样复习初中知识,根据教学大纲主要内容抓好基本知识和能力“双基”工程,根据各班学生学习水平情况实行初高中学习的“缓冲期”。教师一定不要为了赶进度匆忙教学,而忽视了重书本,重规范,重过手,重基础的“四重”原则。 再次,加强学生学习方法指导和良好学习习惯的养成。教师在教育教学过程中除了传授知识外,更重要是督促学生学习好习惯的养成。如何引导学生预习课本,听课,完成作业,复习总结,作笔记等方面都是我们教师应考虑的话题。所以教师在平日的工作中多指导学生预习的习惯,朗读和背诵范文习惯,如何查阅和使用工具书习惯以及写作习惯,培养学生自主学习的能力。在课堂中要指导他们如何作笔记,如何整理和规范作业本,笔记本和错题本,要求所测试或运用过的相关试卷资料汇集成册,用不同颜色的彩笔钩画出所讲的语言点。在讲题中多传授解题方法技巧,在适当引申中寻找规律。 再者,课堂注重实效,形式丰富多样化。高中起始阶段着重落实“ 双基”和“四重”上下功夫,注意培养学生的运用语言能力。教师要转变观念,打破传统教学方式。以学生为中心,注重师生的互动性,在练中学语法,重点突出,精讲易懂,以趣味性教学进行听说训练,适当运用口语,举例通俗易懂有趣。在课堂中教师可以组织学生参加诗歌朗诵,记忆范文比赛,戏剧表演,对话或圣诞晚会等活动提升学生的参与积极性,教师的用语方面上抑扬起伏,激情四射也是高质量课堂的保证。上课内容要有特色,形式各异,要始终让学生保持新鲜感和适度的紧张感。要多让后进生展示自己,多鼓励和赞扬他们,让其实现价值和荣誉,体味成功的喜悦。在评讲试题中多运用启发式设问,开发学生的思维和解题能力,不能一味讲下去,成了全堂课是“填鸭式”教学方法。高中学习能力培养要有针对性,要循序渐进,稳步提高。在听说训练方面借助多媒体听歌曲,听精美范文和看英文片等多样化训练,学生每天的英语值日报告和讨论迫使学生养成用英语交流的习惯。 新课标下的高中英语教学反思










with the fantastic spur both in industry and its economy in china,people‘life become more and more leisure,they are provided with double-day to have a rest,so a new phenomenon has come up-the holiday economy.

there are several advanages we can benifit from the holiday begin with,the holiday economy can prompt the consumption,during the tour,tourists spend money on playing,living,eating and shopping,all these are the impetus to the development of addition,it also brings profit to the transportion.

on the contrary,the holiday economy also bring about its disadvantage.a case in point is it birngs pollution to the retorts,for another,it also lay a heavy burder on the traffic system,therefor we cann‘t neglect these problems.

to sum up,i do believe the advantages outweigh the all,growth of the economy is the diminant y,i suggest the government take effective measures to solve the problems which result from the holiday economy.

my snmmer holiday was very exciting ,my mum took me to guilin last month. we had a good time there .i took a lot of photographs during my trip .

i also enjoy every day when i stayed at home. in the morning i usually wake up at half past seven , at eight o'clock ,i had my breakfast . then i went to english school or maths school ,and so on . i had my lunch at twelve o"clock ,then i can enjoy watching tv and playing computer games .my mum said i must go to sleep at half past one ,because more sleep can help me grow taller .in the afternoon ,i often read books or go swimming ,swimming is my favourite sport. after supper i liked to watch children 's programme . in the evening i did my homework , i must go to bed at nine o'clock ,because i should get up early next morning .

i had a very good time in my holiday ,what about you?

this holiday my sister and i went to shanghai. my sister had just graduated and she wanted to find a job in shanghai. my uncle lived in shanghai, so we lived with him after we got there. on the first day we went to a lot of interesting places, including waitan and huangpu park. the next few days were spent helping my sister find a job. we read many advertisements in newspapers. my sister failed in getting the first job because they said she was too young. then we lost our way and couldn’t find the second company.

we had a map but the city is so big, so we had to asked someone for help and finally found the second company. the boss had a talk with my sister and asked her to wait at home for their decision. a month later we went home. my sister couldn’t find a job in shanghai because she was not knowledgeable enough or she didn’t have enough experience. in this holiday we learned that if we want to succeed in life, we have to work hard and get a lot of knowledge.




















